Web Resource Tracks

The Web Tracks specification “ISO/IEC 23001-15: Carriage of Web Resource in ISOBMFF defines how to carry web resources in the ISO Base Media File Format (ISO/IEC 14496-12, or “ISOBMFF”). It also defines associated brands. (“Brands” are be used to signal compatibility to the constraints and requirements in specifications based on the ISOBMFF.) ISOBMFF specifies a format for the storage of timed resources such as media streams and resources for which no timed stream structure exists or when the timed stream structure does not need to be exposed. By the addition of web resources to an ISOBMFF file, the audiovisual content can be augmented with interactive features, overlays and other web-based features. The specification will enable playback of the file and the timed web resources in a browser. It also specifies how references from these Web resources to the file that carry them are handled. The specified storage enables the delivery of synchronized media and web resources as supported by the file format: file download, progressive file download, streaming, broadcast, etc.

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