Scene Description for Immersive Media 

MPEG Scene Description will enable the creation of 6DoF experiences based on MPEG media. The Scene Description is usually a graph that describes the 3D space as a scene that includes audio and visual objects in that scene. The 3D objects are defined using MPEG media like still pictures, 2D videos, point clouds, light fields, audio, and geometric primitives like meshes. The scene graph enables the composition of a scene that may consist of both natural-world (captured) and synthetic (e.g. CGI) content, with both compressed and uncompressed formats. 

MPEG will develop a solution for scene description based on the widely adopted glTF 2.0 standard that was developed by Khronos. The solution will be specified as a set of extensions to add support for timed, MPEG represented media to glTF. The interfaces for exchange of information extracted from the scene description will also be defined to enable efficient media retrieval.

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